
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Send email using python 📩✉️

email using python


At the core of this Pythonic endeavor lies the smtplib library, a versatile tool designed to facilitate the interaction between Python scripts and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) servers. This library becomes the linchpin in our exploration, providing the means to send emails directly from our Python scripts.

The applications of automating email transmissions are vast and impactful. Whether you're a developer conducting email tests, an administrator automating crucial notifications, or an application designer integrating email functionalities, the ability to send emails via Python becomes a powerful asset. This guide delves into the practicality of email automation, emphasizing the keywords of ease, versatility, and seamless integration.

As we progress through this guide, you'll witness the step-by-step process of harnessing Python's capabilities to interact with SMTP servers and dispatch emails. From setting up your script to incorporating dynamic content in your emails, each keyword in this journey resonates with accessibility, efficiency, and the empowerment to streamline your digital communications.

In essence, this blog extends an invitation to explore the synergy between Python and email automation, where coding becomes a tool for enhancing communication dynamics. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a coding enthusiast, let's dive into the art of sending emails using Python, where every line of code becomes a keystroke in the orchestration of seamless digital transmissions.

Exploring Python's SMTP Package: Elevating Email Automation

In the vast landscape of Python libraries, the smtplib package emerges as a pivotal tool, unlocking the realm of email automation with unparalleled simplicity and efficiency. SMTP, which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, forms the backbone of electronic mail transmission. The smtplib package becomes the conduit through which Python scripts seamlessly interact with SMTP servers, empowering developers to automate email processes effortlessly.

At its core, smtplib facilitates the sending of emails directly from Python scripts, eliminating the need for manual interventions in the email transmission process. This package becomes the bridge between Python's scripting capabilities and the intricate world of email communication.

The versatility of smtplib lies in its ability to connect Python scripts with SMTP servers, enabling the transmission of emails across the digital landscape. Whether you're conducting email tests, automating notifications, or integrating email functionalities into applications, smtplib becomes an indispensable asset.

The simplicity of smtplib extends to its integration within Python scripts. Developers, regardless of expertise levels, can easily incorporate smtplib to send emails dynamically. Its accessibility becomes a cornerstone in the world of email automation, where coding enthusiasts and seasoned developers alike can leverage its capabilities.

Keywords like efficiency, versatility, and seamless integration define the attributes of smtplib. Automating email transmissions becomes not just a task but a Pythonic endeavor where each line of code contributes to the orchestration of digital communications. The package seamlessly integrates with Python's capabilities, enhancing the language's utility in the domain of email automation.

Live Demonstration

Discover the secret to send email using python with smtp! Watch our easy-to-follow video tutorial and download the source code today.


Before we begin, there are a few prerequisites you need to have in place to follow along with this guide:
1. Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website at
2. SMTP Server: To send emails, you need access to an SMTP server. In this tutorial, we will be using Gmail's SMTP server. Make sure you have a Gmail account or adjust the settings accordingly if you are using a different SMTP server.
3. Python Libraries: To install the smtplib package, open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:
      pip install secure-smtplib

This will install the necessary library for our project.

Step 1: Importing the Required Libraries

Let's start by importing the necessary libraries in our Python script. Open your favorite text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) and create a new Python file. You can name it anything you like, such as Then, import the required libraries as follows:
import smtplib

Step 2: Sending an Email

To send an email, add the following code snippet to your script:
GMAIL_ID = "your Gmail ID"
GMAIL_PSD = "your password"
to = "receiver's email"
sub = "test email using Python"
msg = "Hello, this is a test email using Python"

s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
s.starttls()  # Start session

    s.login(GMAIL_ID, GMAIL_PSD)  # Email login
    s.sendmail("your name", to, f"Subject: {sub}\n\n{msg}")
except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred while sending the email")
print("Email successfully sent")

In the code above, replace your Gmail ID with your actual Gmail email address and your password with your Gmail password. Set the to variable to the email address of the recipient. Adjust the sub variable to the desired subject line and the msg variable to the content of your email. The script uses Gmail's SMTP server to send the email.

Source Code mentioned in demonstration video

import smtplib
GMAIL_ID="your gmail id"
GMAIL_PSD="your password"
to="receivers email"
sub="test email using python"
msg="hello this is test email using python"
s= smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
s.starttls() # start session
      s.login (GMAIL_ID, GMAIL_PSD) #email login
      s.sendmail("your name", to, f"subject: {sub} \n\n {msg}")
except Exception as e:
      print("some error occured")
print("Email successfully sent ")


As we conclude this exploration into the orchestration of email automation using Python's smtplib library, a profound sense of empowerment lingers. The journey through the intricacies of SMTP, seamlessly facilitated by smtplib, illuminates the path toward elevating digital communications.

In the realm of email automation, Python emerges as a powerhouse, and smtplib stands as a testament to the language's versatility. The keywords of simplicity, efficiency, and accessibility resonate throughout this guide, defining the core attributes that make email automation not just a task but a Pythonic art.

The significance of automating email transmissions becomes evident as we grasp the capabilities of smtplib. Whether it's testing emails, automating notifications, or integrating email functionalities into applications, the synergy between Python and smtplib becomes a guiding light in streamlining digital communications.

Every line of code, every keystroke in this Pythonic endeavor, contributes to the orchestration of seamless email transmissions. As developers harness the power of smtplib, the language's prowess in simplifying complex tasks becomes palpable, setting the stage for enhanced communication dynamics in the digital landscape.

In essence, this journey becomes an invitation for developers, enthusiasts, and learners to explore the fusion of Python and email automation. With smtplib as a reliable companion, every script becomes a brushstroke in the canvas of digital interactions, where the language's capabilities unfold in the orchestration of efficient and streamlined email communications. Cheers to the Pythonic era of elevating email automation, where coding becomes a tool for enhancing the way we connect in the digital realm.

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