
Sunday, June 11, 2023

GUI Calculator using python



Embark on a coding adventure as we delve into the realm of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Python and the Tkinter library. This blog invites you to join us in the creation of a GUI calculator, a visually appealing and interactive tool designed to simplify basic arithmetic operations. Through step-by-step guidance, we will unravel the process of building a functional calculator application that seamlessly combines the power of Python with the user-friendly features of Tkinter.

The significance of GUI calculators lies in their ability to enhance user experience, providing an intuitive and visually engaging platform for performing arithmetic operations. Tkinter, as the standard GUI toolkit for Python, becomes our artistic palette, enabling us to design a user interface that not only serves a functional purpose but also captivates users with its aesthetic appeal.

The Python programming language, known for its readability and simplicity, harmonizes effortlessly with Tkinter, making GUI development accessible to developers of varying skill levels. This collaboration empowers you to create a calculator that goes beyond the conventional command-line interface, offering a dynamic and interactive space for numerical computations.

As we navigate through the coding process, you'll witness how Python's syntax and Tkinter's widget-based approach converge to breathe life into our calculator application. From handling button clicks to updating display screens, the interaction between Python and Tkinter illustrates the seamless integration of code and design, resulting in a fully functional GUI calculator that transcends the boundaries of traditional text-based interfaces.

So, grab your coding toolkit and let's embark on this journey together. By the end of this blog, you'll not only have a fully functional GUI calculator at your fingertips but also a deeper understanding of how Python and Tkinter combine forces to transform code into an interactive visual experience.

Unveiling Tkinter: Python's Gateway to Graphical User Interfaces

Tkinter, standing as Python's de facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit, serves as a gateway for developers into the visually engaging world of interactive applications. At its core, Tkinter enables the creation of user interfaces with a simplicity that aligns seamlessly with Python's philosophy. This powerhouse package empowers developers to design and implement graphical elements, fostering a dynamic user experience within Python applications.

The significance of Tkinter lies in its accessibility and versatility. As an integral part of the Python standard library, Tkinter doesn't necessitate separate installations, making it readily available for developers without additional setup complexities. This accessibility ensures that Tkinter becomes a natural choice for anyone seeking to elevate their Python programs with user-friendly graphical interfaces.

Tkinter operates on the principle of widgets, GUI components like buttons, labels, and entry fields that facilitate user interaction. This widget-based approach simplifies the creation of graphical elements, allowing developers to design interfaces with a drag-and-drop ease. This ease of use doesn't compromise the flexibility of Tkinter, as developers retain the capability to fine-tune the appearance and behavior of each widget to suit their application's requirements.

Moreover, Tkinter supports event-driven programming, a paradigm where actions or inputs from users trigger specific functions or responses. This event-driven model aligns with the interactive nature of GUI applications, enabling developers to create responsive interfaces that react dynamically to user interactions. From button clicks to mouse movements, Tkinter's event handling capabilities enhance the overall user experience.

Live Demonstration

Discover the secret to create GUI based calculator in only 50 lines of code using python with Tkinter! Watch our easy-to-follow video tutorial and download the source code today.


Before we begin, there are a few prerequisites you need to have in place to follow along with this guide:
1. Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website at
3. Tkinter: Tkinter comes pre-installed with Python, so you don't need to install it separately

Building the GUI Calculator

To create the GUI calculator, we will utilize the Tkinter library and its various widgets. We will define button functions, handle user input, and perform the required calculations.

Step 1: Import the Tkinter library:

Let's start by importing the necessary libraries in our Python script. Open your favorite text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) and create a new Python file. You can name it anything you like, such as Then, import the required libraries as follows:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox as t

Step 2: Set up the initial configuration and global variables:

To add global variables, add the following code snippet to your script:
a, y, yz, aw = 0, 70, "red", "pink"

Step 3: Define the button click event:

def click(event):
    global s
    text = event.widget.cget("text")
    # Perform the appropriate actions based on the button clicked

Step 4: Create the main Tkinter window:

root = Tk()

Step 5: Set up the text variable and screen entry widget:

s = StringVar()
screen = Entry(root, textvar=s, font="verdena 20 bold", justify=RIGHT)

Step 6: Create the calculator buttons using a loop:

text = ("7", "8", "9", "C", "4", "5", "6", "+", "1", "2", "3", "-", "^", "0", ".", "x")
def button(text, l, m):
    # Create buttons and bind them to the click event
    # Place the buttons on the calculator interface

Step 7: Add the division and equal buttons separately:

b = Button(root, text="/", font="lucida 20 bold", width=3, height=1, activeforeground=yz, bg=aw), y=350)
b.bind("<Button-1>", click)

b = Button(root, text="=", font="lucida 20 bold", width=13, height=1, activeforeground=yz, bg=aw), y=350)
b.bind("<Button-1>", click)

Step 7: Start the main event loop:


Source Code mentioned in demonstration video

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox as t

def click(event):
    global s
    text = event.widget.cget("text")
    if text == "=":
        if "^" in s.get():
        if "x" in s.get():
        except Exception as e:
            t.showerror("Error!!","Please select 2 numbers")
    elif text =="C":

screen =Entry(root,textvar=s, font="verdena 20 bold",justify=RIGHT)
text = ("7", "8", "9", "C", "4", "5", "6", "+", "1", "2", "3", "-", "^", "0", ".", "x")

def button (text,l,m):
    if text =="-" or text == "." or text=="/":
    b = Button(root,text=text, font="lucida 20 bold", padx=f, pady=0,activeforeground=yz,bg=aw),y=m)
    b.bind("<Button-1>", click)
for m in range(4):
    for l in range (4):
b = Button(root,text="/", font="lucida 20 bold", width=3, height=1,activeforeground=yz,bg=aw),y=350)

b.bind("<Button-1>", click)
b = Button(root,text="=", font="lucida 20 bold", width=13, height=1,activeforeground=yz,bg=aw),y=350)

b.bind("<Button-1>", click)


As we reach the finale of our journey into crafting a GUI calculator using Tkinter in Python, the synergy between code and interface becomes a harmonious dance, showcasing the power of simplicity and visual appeal. Our exploration led us through the creation of an interactive and aesthetically pleasing calculator, emphasizing the significance of Tkinter as the linchpin in GUI application development.

Tkinter, as our artistic brush in this coding canvas, illuminated the path to seamlessly integrating graphical elements into Python applications. Its widget-based approach allowed us to design a visually engaging user interface, transforming the conventional calculator into an interactive space where arithmetic operations become not just computations but a user-friendly experience.

The collaboration between Python and Tkinter emerged as a testament to the accessibility and versatility of this GUI toolkit. With Python's readability and Tkinter's simplicity, developers of varying skill levels can embark on GUI development endeavors, creating applications that transcend the boundaries of traditional text-based interfaces.

Beyond the lines of code, we witnessed Tkinter's capability to breathe life into static programs, introducing dynamic elements that respond to user interactions. This event-driven paradigm enhances the overall user experience, turning our calculator into more than just a tool for arithmetic; it became an interactive platform where users can engage with numerical operations effortlessly.

In essence, our venture into creating a GUI calculator with Tkinter is not just a coding exercise; it's an invitation to explore the symbiotic relationship between functionality and design. As you take this newfound knowledge forward, remember that Tkinter stands as a versatile gateway, inviting developers to merge the worlds of code and interface, creating applications that not only perform tasks but engage and captivate users through the visual artistry of graphical user interfaces.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I get source code