
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Desktop notification using python 🥛🥛



In the dynamic landscape of programming, Python emerges as a versatile language capable of transforming everyday experiences. If you've ever wished to seamlessly integrate desktop notifications into your workflow, you're on the right path. This comprehensive guide is your gateway to unlocking the potential of Python for creating desktop notifications – a feature that can elevate your productivity by delivering crucial messages and reminders directly to your desktop environment.

Python, celebrated for its flexibility and user-friendly syntax, becomes a valuable tool in this journey. This guide is designed to demystify the process, ensuring that even those with minimal programming experience can harness the capabilities of Python for implementing desktop notifications effortlessly.

Imagine the convenience of receiving important updates, reminders, or custom messages without having to navigate through multiple applications. Python empowers you to tailor these notifications to your specific needs, whether for work-related alerts, personal reminders, or any other purpose you envision.

As we embark on this exploration, you'll witness how Python's simplicity aligns with the sophistication of desktop notifications, making it an accessible venture for both beginners and seasoned coders. The beauty of Python lies not just in its functionality but in its capacity to enhance everyday interactions, turning mundane tasks into streamlined, efficient processes.

So, fasten your seatbelt as we delve into the world of Python and desktop notifications. By the end of this guide, you'll not only have a practical understanding of implementing desktop notifications but also a newfound appreciation for the transformative power that Python brings to the realm of digital experiences. Let's embark on this coding journey together and elevate your desktop interaction with the magic of Python!

Python's Versatility: Crafting Custom Notifications with Ease

Python, a programming language renowned for its simplicity and versatility, empowers users to embark on creative coding endeavors. When it comes to enhancing desktop interactions, Python's capabilities shine, allowing for the creation of custom notifications tailored to individual needs.

Creating custom notifications with Python becomes an accessible feat, even for those with minimal coding experience. Python's user-friendly syntax and extensive libraries make it an ideal choice for seamlessly integrating notifications into desktop environments. The process involves leveraging Python's flexibility to design notifications that go beyond standard alerts, adding a personalized touch to your digital interactions.

Whether you seek notifications for work-related updates, personal reminders, or unique messages, Python offers a canvas for customization. The beauty of this journey lies not only in the functionality Python brings but in the empowerment it provides to users, transforming mundane desktop experiences into efficient, personalized interactions.

As you delve into the world of Python, the creation of custom notifications becomes a testament to the language's transformative potential. It's a journey that not only enhances your coding skills but also elevates your digital experience, showcasing the versatility and accessibility that Python brings to the realm of programming and everyday tasks.

Live Demonstration

Discover the secret to create desktop notification using python with plyer! Watch our easy-to-follow video tutorial and download the source code today.


Before we begin, there are a few prerequisites you need to have in place to follow along with this guide:
1. Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website at
2. Python Libraries:We will be using the plyer library to create desktop notifications. To install this library, open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:
      pip install plyer

This will install the necessary library for our project.

Step 1: Importing the Required Libraries

To start, let's import the plyer library in our Python script. Open your favorite text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) and create a new Python file. You can name it anything you like, such as Then, import the required libraries as follows:
from plyer import notification

Step 2: Creating a Desktop Notification

To create a desktop notification, we can use the notification.notify method provided by the plyer library. This method allows us to specify the title, message, and other details of the notification. Here's an example:
# Create a desktop notification
    title='Notification Title',
    message='Notification Message',
    app_icon=None,  # You can specify an icon path here
    timeout=10  # The notification will automatically close after 10 seconds

In the above code snippet, replace 'Notification Title' with the title you want to display in the notification, and 'Notification Message' with the message content. You can also specify an icon path using the app_icon parameter if you want to customize the notification icon.

Step 3: Customizing the Notification

You can further customize the appearance of the notification by providing additional parameters to the notification.notify method. Here are some commonly used parameters:
title: The Title of notification.
message: custom message of notificaion
app_icon: Path to the icon file (.ico, .png, etc.) to be displayed alongside the notification.
timeout: Duration in seconds for which the notification will be displayed on the screen.
Here's an example that showcases some of these parameters:
# Create a customized notification
    title='Water drinking Reminder',
    message='You haven't drunk water for 30 minutes. Please drink it.',

Remember to replace 'path_to_icon/icon.png' with the actual path to your icon file.

Step 4: Running the Script

Now that we have completed writing the Python script, let's run it to create a desktop notification. Open your command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where your Python script is located, and execute the following command:

If everything goes well, you should see a desktop notification appearing on your screen, displaying the title and message you specified.

Source Code mentioned in demonstration video

import pyttsx3 
from plyer import notification

engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id) 

def speak(audio):
  engine.say (audio)
  engine.runAndWait ()
title="Please drink water",
message =
"you have not drink water since half hour. so kindly drink it",
app_icon = "C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\water Notification\\water.ico",
timeout = 5
speak ("!Aditya ! please drink water and stay hydrated")


In a triumphant conclusion to your coding journey, congratulations are in order! You've successfully acquired the knowledge to craft desktop notifications using Python, a skill set that can significantly enhance your digital interactions. Guided by the versatile plyer library, you've explored the seamless process of displaying vital information and reminders directly on your computer screen.

The significance of desktop notifications extends across diverse applications, offering utility in various scenarios. Whether you're leveraging them for work-related updates, personal reminders, or any purpose you envision, the newfound expertise in Python empowers you to customize these notifications to suit your unique needs.

As you reflect on this accomplishment, recognize that the ability to create desktop notifications is not just a technical skill but a practical tool that can streamline your daily workflow. Python's role as a facilitator in this process underscores its reputation as a language that prioritizes accessibility and functionality.

Armed with this knowledge, you stand at the intersection of coding proficiency and enhanced digital experiences. Your journey through Python's capabilities exemplifies the transformative power of coding, turning abstract concepts into tangible, user-friendly solutions. So, here's to your success in mastering desktop notifications with Python—a valuable skill that opens doors to a world of possibilities in the ever-evolving landscape of programming and technology.

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