
Saturday, June 17, 2023

Create Audio Book from PDF using Python 📚📙

audio book


Immerse yourself in the world of literature in a whole new way as we delve into the realm of converting PDFs into audiobooks using the dynamic capabilities of Python. In this blog post, we are set to unfold a captivating journey where the versatility of Python comes to the forefront, transforming written words into a symphony of spoken narratives.

Reading books is a cherished experience, but life's demands often necessitate a more flexible approach. Python, known for its adaptability, introduces us to a duo of libraries – PyPDF2 and pyttsx3 – that harmonize to convert the written word into a melodic companion, allowing you to enjoy your favorite reads in the midst of your daily activities.

As we embark on this literary adventure, the keywords that resonate throughout are convenience, versatility, and transformation. The process involves manipulating PDFs seamlessly, unlocking the potential to listen to your cherished books on the go, during commutes, or while engaged in various tasks.

The PyPDF2 library emerges as a key player, facilitating the manipulation of PDF files with ease. Complemented by the prowess of pyttsx3, which converts text to speech, Python becomes the orchestrator of a personalized audiobook creation process. This dynamic synergy of libraries transforms the static nature of written texts into a dynamic auditory experience.

The journey we're about to undertake promises not only technical insights but a practical avenue for enhancing your reading experience. Through Python's lens, each line of code becomes a bridge between literature and technology, opening up new possibilities for book lovers seeking a harmonious blend of convenience and literary enjoyment. Join us in unraveling the magic of turning PDFs into audiobooks, where Python becomes the instrument of literary transformation.

PyPDF and pyttsx3 in devloping Audio book

In the symphony of converting PDFs to audiobooks orchestrated by Python, two key players take center stage: PyPDF2 and pyttsx3. PyPDF2, a robust PDF processing library, plays a pivotal role in extracting text from PDF files, while pyttsx3, a text-to-speech library, transforms this extracted text into audible narratives. Let's delve into the seamless collaboration of these libraries, unlocking the transformative potential of written words into spoken stories.

PyPDF2, with its versatile capabilities, provides an efficient mechanism to navigate and manipulate PDF files. Specifically designed for Python, this library simplifies the extraction of textual content from PDFs, making it a fundamental component in our journey to create audiobooks. By parsing the PDF structure, PyPDF2 enables the extraction of text in a readable format, laying the groundwork for the subsequent auditory transformation.

Complementing PyPDF2, pyttsx3 steps onto the stage as a potent text-to-speech library. Its primary function is to convert the extracted textual content into spoken words, bridging the gap between the static nature of written words and the dynamic experience of listening. pyttsx3 supports multiple platforms and voices, providing a customizable and user-friendly interface for the auditory rendering of text.

The synergy between PyPDF2 and pyttsx3 manifests in a harmonious dance of data processing and audio synthesis. PyPDF2 extracts the textual essence from PDFs, presenting it to pyttsx3 as raw material for transformation. In turn, pyttsx3 articulates this textual data into audible speech, capturing the nuances of the written word with clarity and expression.

This collaboration encapsulates the essence of Python's versatility in the realm of text processing and speech synthesis. As PyPDF2 seamlessly extracts text, pyttsx3 takes up the mantle of bringing that text to life, creating a dynamic and accessible avenue for literary exploration. The result is an audiobook creation process where Python, through PyPDF2 and pyttsx3, becomes the conduit for transforming literature into a melodic experience.

Live Demonstration

Discover the secret to create audio book from pdf using python with pypdf2! Watch our easy-to-follow video tutorial and download the source code today.


Before we dive into the practical implementation, there are a few prerequisites we need to address:
1. Python: Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
2. PyPDF2: This library allows us to work with PDF files programmatically. Install it using the command
pip install PyPDF2

3. pyttsx3: It is a speech synthesis library that supports multiple platforms. Install it using command
pip install pyttsx3

Step 1: Loading the PDF File

To start the process, you need to have a PDF file ready. Make sure the file is accessible and note down its path. We will use the PyPDF2 library to load the PDF and extract the text from it.
import PyPDF2

book_name = open("pdf file path", 'rb')
pdfreader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(book_name)

Replace "pdf file path" with the actual path to your PDF file.

Step 2: Extracting Text from the PDF

Once we have the PDF loaded, we can extract the text from its pages. For simplicity, let's extract the text from a single page. You can extend this process to cover the entire book if desired.
page_no = pdfreader.getPage(1)
text = page_no.extractText()

In the above code, we extract the second page of the PDF (page number 1) and store its text content in the text variable.

Step 3: Initializing the Speech Synthesis Engine

To convert the extracted text into speech, we need to initialize the speech synthesis engine. The pyttsx3 library allows us to do this effortlessly.

Execute the script by running the following command:
import pyttsx3

speaker = pyttsx3.init()

The init() function initializes the speech synthesis engine, and we store the engine object in the speaker variable.

Step 4: Converting Text to Speech

Now that we have the text and the speech synthesis engine ready, we can convert the text into speech using the say() function provided by the pyttsx3 library.

Execute the script by running the following command:

The say() function takes the text as input and converts it into speech. The runAndWait() function processes the voice commands and ensures that the speech is generated.

Step 5: Saving the Audio Book

If you want to save the audio book for future use, you can use the save_to_file() function provided by the pyttsx3 library. This function allows you to specify the output file name

Source Code Used in demonstration video

import pyttsx3 #pip install pyttsx3
import PyPDF2 #pip install PyPDF2
book_name = open("PSD file path",'rb')
pdfreader=PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(book_name)#create pdf reader object 
speaker = pyttsx3.init() #initialize engine for for speech synthesis
pages=pdfreader.getNumPages() # get total number of pages of pdf
# for i in range(pages):#to read entire book
page_no =pdfreader.getPage(1)#load i page in page_no 
text = page_no.extractText()#extract text from pdf
speaker.say(text)#speak extracted text 
speaker.runAndWait()#process the voice commands


In concluding our expedition into the world of converting PDFs into audiobooks using Python, the synergy between PyPDF2 and pyttsx3 stands as a testament to the language's versatility and transformative capabilities. The harmonious interplay of these libraries has unlocked a doorway to literary accessibility, where the static nature of written words evolves into a dynamic auditory experience.

Python, as the orchestrator of this literary transformation, showcases its adaptability through PyPDF2's adept text extraction from PDFs. This foundational step seamlessly sets the stage for pyttsx3 to take the extracted text and breathe life into it through expressive and articulate speech synthesis. The result is an audiobook creation process that transcends the traditional boundaries of reading, offering convenience and a novel approach to literary engagement.

The keywords resonating through this journey are convenience, transformation, versatility, and accessibility. As we bid adieu to this exploration, Python's role in enhancing the reading experience becomes evident. The collaboration of PyPDF2 and pyttsx3 exemplifies the harmonious fusion of technology and literature, opening avenues for users to enjoy their favorite reads in a more dynamic and engaging manner. This endeavor signifies not just a technical achievement but a celebration of Python's role in making literature more accessible and enjoyable for a diverse audience. Cheers to the harmonious symphony of Python, PyPDF2, and pyttsx3, where each line of code becomes a note in the melody of transforming words into spoken tales.

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