
Monday, May 8, 2023

Birthday Reminder app in Python

birthday reminder


Forgetting a friend or family member's birthday can be a real downer, but fear not – the solution is just a Python script away! Imagine having a personalized birthday reminder app that ensures you never miss an opportunity to celebrate your loved ones. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating a straightforward yet remarkably effective birthday reminder app using Python.

This project is not just for seasoned developers; it's an ideal entry point for kids venturing into the world of coding. The simplicity of Python combined with the practicality and fun factor of a birthday reminder app makes learning to code a delightful experience.

Our tutorial will take you step by step, breaking down the process into manageable chunks. From setting up the Python environment to crafting the logic for birthday notifications, we ensure that each aspect is easily digestible for beginners. You'll witness how coding can transform into a tool for real-world solutions, enhancing both technical skills and everyday life.

The beauty of this project lies not only in its functionality but also in its personal touch. As you follow along, you'll customize your app to suit your preferences, adding names, dates, and perhaps even personalized messages. This hands-on approach transforms coding from a theoretical exercise into a practical skill with tangible outcomes.

By the end of the tutorial, you'll not only have a working birthday reminder app but also a newfound appreciation for the capabilities of coding. It's not just about mastering syntax; it's about using code to simplify and improve aspects of our daily lives. So, let's embark on this coding adventure together – ensuring that no birthday goes unnoticed, and celebrations are always right on time!

Live Demonstration

Discover the secret to building a birthday Reminder app in Python with pandas! Watch our easy-to-follow video tutorial and download the source code today.

The Significance of Our Birthday Reminder App Project

The birthday reminder app project holds significant importance as it addresses a common yet often overlooked aspect of our lives—remembering and celebrating the birthdays of our loved ones. In a fast-paced world, where schedules are hectic and digital distractions abound, maintaining a personal connection becomes increasingly challenging. This project serves as a solution to this modern dilemma by offering a practical and user-friendly tool to enhance interpersonal relationships.

By creating a platform that allows users to input and store birthdays, the app contributes to the preservation of meaningful traditions and the strengthening of social bonds. The automated reminder feature ensures that these special occasions are not inadvertently neglected, fostering a sense of thoughtfulness and consideration among users.

Furthermore, the customizable reminders empower users to express their sentiments in a personalized manner, adding a warm and individualized touch to the celebration. The project, therefore, goes beyond mere technical functionality; it becomes a facilitator of emotional connection and a promoter of positive interactions.

In a broader context, this project introduces coding and app development in a practical and engaging way, making it accessible to beginners, particularly children. It serves as a stepping stone for learning valuable programming skills while simultaneously addressing a real-life need. Ultimately, the birthday reminder app project is not just about coding; it's about using technology to enrich our lives, strengthen relationships, and bring joy to everyday moments.

Features of Project

Our birthday reminder app is designed with a thoughtful array of features that not only simplify the process of remembering special occasions but also enhance the overall user experience. Let's delve into the functionalities that make this app a must-have for anyone wanting to ensure they never miss a birthday celebration.

1. Add and Store Birthdays:

Gone are the days of frantically searching for birthdates in various notebooks or digital files. Our app provides users with a seamless platform to input and store the birthdays of friends and family members. This centralized repository ensures that all important dates are conveniently accessible in one place, eliminating the stress of forgetting or overlooking a loved one's birthday.

2. Send Reminders:

The core functionality of our app lies in its ability to send timely reminders. Users can bid farewell to the anxiety of missing a birthday celebration, as our app takes on the responsibility of sending reminders on the designated day. This automated feature ensures that users are promptly notified, allowing them to plan and execute delightful surprises or simply convey heartfelt wishes to their dear ones.

3. Customizable Reminders:

Recognizing that personalization adds a unique touch to any experience, our app goes a step further by allowing users to customize their reminders. Users have the flexibility to tailor the reminder message according to their style, infusing warmth or humor into the notification. Additionally, the app lets users choose the time at which they receive reminders, ensuring that the notifications align with their daily routines and preferences.

4. User-Friendly Interface:

Designed with accessibility in mind, our app boasts a user-friendly interface that is not only easy to navigate but also specifically tailored to cater to the needs of kids. Adding and managing birthdays becomes a hassle-free task, contributing to a positive and enjoyable user experience. The simplicity of the interface ensures that even those new to technology or coding can effortlessly engage with the app.

In essence, our birthday reminder app transcends the conventional notion of a digital calendar. It transforms the act of remembering birthdays into a personalized, stress-free, and enjoyable experience. With features designed to accommodate individual preferences and a user-friendly interface, our app becomes a reliable companion in ensuring that every birthday is celebrated with the attention and joy it deserves.
Source Code :
programming language
        python version 3.7 or above

required packages 

        (install using command 'pip install pandas' on command prompt)
        (install using command 'pip install DateTime' on command prompt)
        (install using command 'pip install plyer' on command prompt)
        (install using command 'pip install pyttsx3' on command prompt)

For database
        You just have to create new excel file, and follow all commands
        for creating file as mentioned in video (
for icon
        you can download icon of you choice from this website :-
        take minimum size possible for icon

import pandas as pd
import datetime
from plyer import notification
import pyttsx3
engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
voices = engine.getProperty('voices[1].id')
def speak(audio):
def notification1(title,msg):
        message = msg
        app_icon = "You icon path here"
        timeout = 5
df = pd.read_excel("excel path here")
today ="%d-%m")
for index,item in df.itterrows():
    bd = item["birthday"]
    if today == bd:
        a = item["name"]
        notification1("birthday Alert","It's"+a+"'s birthday today.")
        speak(f"It's {a}'s birthday today!!..")


In conclusion, our birthday reminder app project transcends the realm of mere coding to become a meaningful solution for enhancing human connections. In a world characterized by hectic schedules and digital distractions, the app addresses the common challenge of remembering and celebrating the birthdays of our loved ones. By seamlessly integrating technology into the fabric of personal relationships, the project not only preserves meaningful traditions but also fosters a sense of thoughtfulness and consideration.

The customizable reminders add a warm, personal touch to celebrations, making each interaction unique and special. Beyond its technical functionalities, the project serves as an accessible entry point for beginners, particularly children, into the world of coding. As a versatile tool, the app stands not just as a testament to programming skills but as a facilitator of emotional connections, emphasizing the power of technology to enrich our lives, strengthen relationships, and bring joy to the simple yet cherished moments of everyday life.

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