
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Special Palindrome Substrings || GFG problem of day || 15 March

Special Palindrome Substrings

Problem Link :- GFG POTD

Problem statement

Given two strings s1 and s2, The task is to convert s1 into a palindrome such that s1 contain s2 as a substring in a minimum number of operation.
In a single operation, we can replace any word of s1 with any character.

Note: If it is not possible to convert s1 such that it is a palindrome as well as contains substring of s2, then return -1.

Significance of problem

The "Palindrome Conversion" problem carries significant importance as it presents a unique challenge involving string manipulation and palindrome construction. The task of converting one string into a palindrome while ensuring it contains another string as a substring encapsulates practical applications in various computational scenarios.

Firstly, the problem highlights the intricacies of string manipulation. Learners grapple with the complexities of replacing specific substrings within a given string to transform it into a palindrome. This skill is pivotal in diverse domains where data processing involves modifying strings to meet specific criteria, such as data cleaning or preprocessing in natural language processing.

Secondly, the problem underscores the concept of substring containment within a palindrome. This is particularly relevant in scenarios where the integrity of specific substrings is crucial, such as DNA sequence analysis or data validation.

Moreover, the problem delves into the optimization aspect of minimizing the number of operations required for conversion. Learners explore strategies to achieve the desired palindrome while minimizing the impact on the original string. This optimization skill is transferable to various computational challenges, emphasizing the importance of efficiency in algorithmic solutions.

Furthermore, the problem bridges theoretical understanding with practical applications. It mirrors scenarios where data integrity, especially within specific substrings, is paramount. Applications range from correcting errors in textual data to ensuring the accuracy of information in database systems.

Easiest Explanation

You have two strings: s1 and s2. Your goal is to make s1 a palindrome (a string that reads the same forwards and backwards) by replacing some of its characters. However, you also need to make sure that s1 contains s2 as a substring (a continuous sequence of characters within the string). You want to do this in as few replacements as possible.

For example, let's say s1 is "abcdefg" and s2 is "bcd". One way to make s1 a palindrome is to replace the characters "a", "e", "f", and "g" with "d", like this: "dddddhd". This new string is a palindrome and contains s2 as a substring. However, this took 4 replacements. Is there a way to do it with fewer replacements?

If it's not possible to make s1 a palindrome that contains s2 as a substring, then you should return -1.

I hope that explanation helps! If you find any difficulty in solving, feel free to comment with your doubts.
CPP Code
class Solution{ public: int specialPalindrome(string s1, string s2){ int n = s1.size(),m = s2.size(),ans = INT_MAX; if(m > n){ return -1; } else{ for(int i = 0; i < n - m + 1; i++){ string f = s1; int op = 0; for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ if(f[i+j] != s2[j]){ f[i+j] = s2[j]; op++; } } bool c = true; for(int j = 0; j < n / 2; j++){ if(j < i || n-j-1 > i+m-1){ if(f[j] != f[n-j-1]){ op++; } } else{ if(f[j] != f[n-j-1]){ c = false; break; } } } if(c){ ans = min(ans,op); } } return ans == INT_MAX ? -1 : ans; } } };

Here's how the function works:

1. The function specialPalindrome takes two string arguments s1 and s2 and returns an integer value that represents the minimum number of operations required to convert s1 into a palindrome that contains s2 as a substring.

2. Initialize variables n and m with the size of s1 and s2 respectively, and ans with the maximum integer value that can be represented.

3. Check if the length of s2 is greater than s1. If it is, return -1 since it's impossible to make s1 a palindrome that contains s2 as a substring.

4. Otherwise, iterate through each possible substring of s1 that has the same length as s2. For each substring, create a new string f which is a copy of s1 and initialize the variable op with 0.

5. Iterate through each character in s2 and compare it with the corresponding character in the current substring of f. If they are different, replace the character in f with the character from s2 and increment the variable op.

6. Check if f is a palindrome that contains s2 as a substring. To do this, iterate through the characters in f from the beginning and end simultaneously until you reach the middle of the string. If the characters in the two positions are different, increment the variable op.

7. If the string f is a palindrome that contains s2 as a substring, update ans with the minimum value between ans and op.

8. Return ans if it's less than the maximum integer value. Otherwise, return -1.

Learning Outcomes

Solving the "Palindrome Conversion" problem leads to a comprehensive set of learning outcomes, spanning various aspects of string manipulation, optimization strategies, and algorithmic problem-solving.

Firstly, learners acquire a deep understanding of string manipulation techniques. The problem challenges them to replace specific substrings within a given string, emphasizing the nuances of character replacement and its impact on the overall structure. This skill is foundational, applicable across diverse computational domains where data transformation and preprocessing are essential.

Secondly, the problem fosters proficiency in substring containment within a palindrome. Learners grasp the intricacies of maintaining the integrity of specific substrings while constructing a palindrome. This knowledge extends to scenarios in bioinformatics, text analysis, or any field where preserving the structure of substrings is critical.

Moreover, learners develop optimization skills by exploring strategies to minimize the number of operations required for conversion. This involves considering trade-offs between different approaches, balancing efficiency and correctness. The ability to optimize solutions is a transferable skill crucial in algorithm design, ensuring that computational resources are used judiciously.

Furthermore, learners enhance their problem-solving capabilities through the intricacies of constructing a palindrome while containing a specific substring. They cultivate a structured approach to address complex challenges, breaking down the problem into manageable components and devising effective solutions.

Additionally, the problem promotes a practical understanding of real-world applications. Learners connect theoretical concepts with scenarios where data integrity and specific substring containment are paramount. This practical insight is invaluable, guiding learners in designing solutions for scenarios ranging from data correction in textual data to ensuring accuracy in database systems.


In conclusion, the "Palindrome Conversion" problem offers a rich learning experience with practical implications. Learners navigate the intricacies of transforming a string into a palindrome while containing a specific substring, honing their skills in string manipulation, optimization, and algorithmic problem-solving. The significance lies in the problem's applicability to real-world scenarios, where preserving data integrity within substrings is crucial.

By mastering this problem, learners develop a nuanced understanding of character replacement dynamics and the delicate balance between optimization and correctness. The problem-solving journey encourages learners to dissect complex challenges, fostering a structured approach applicable to various computational domains. The acquired skills extend beyond the problem itself, empowering learners to address diverse data processing and manipulation tasks efficiently.

Ultimately, the "Palindrome Conversion" problem serves as a valuable stepping stone in the broader landscape of algorithmic problem-solving, offering learners a practical toolkit for navigating string-related challenges and optimizing solutions in computational scenarios.

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