
Friday, March 10, 2023

Maximum Triplet product || GFG problem of day || 10 March 2023

Problem Link :- GFG POTD

Problem statement

Given an array arr of size n, the task is to find the maximum triplet product in the array.

Significance of problem

The significance of the maximum triplet product problem lies in its practical application in algorithmic optimization and mathematical reasoning within the context of arrays. This problem requires identifying the highest possible product of three elements from an array, necessitating a thoughtful approach to array manipulation and sorting.

Firstly, the problem sharpens algorithmic thinking by challenging developers to devise an efficient solution. The provided code employs array sorting to streamline the process of identifying the maximum triplet product. Sorting is a foundational algorithmic concept, and its application in this problem emphasizes the importance of leveraging algorithms for improved computational efficiency.

Moreover, the problem taps into mathematical reasoning, requiring an understanding of how the arrangement of elements influences the product outcome. The choice between considering the product of the three largest elements or incorporating the two smallest and the largest element introduces a layer of mathematical optimization. This aspect of the problem cultivates a deeper appreciation for leveraging mathematical principles in algorithmic design.

The problem also touches on real-world scenarios where maximizing a product is relevant. In financial analysis, for instance, identifying the highest possible return on investment involves optimizing factors to achieve an optimal outcome. Similarly, in engineering or manufacturing, selecting the most effective combination of components to maximize efficiency parallels the problem's essence.

In essence, mastering the maximum triplet product problem contributes to a well-rounded skill set in algorithmic design, mathematical reasoning, and practical problem-solving. It reinforces the importance of algorithmic efficiency, mathematical optimization, and the application of computational concepts in addressing real-world challenges involving arrays and products of elements.

Easiest Explanation

In this problem, you are given an array arr of size n. Your task is to find the maximum product of any triplet within the array.
To clarify, a triplet refers to a group of three numbers in the array.
For example, if arr = [2, 3, 5, 7, 8], one possible triplet is [2, 5, 8].
The product of this triplet would be 2*5*8 = 80.
Your goal is to find the maximum possible product of any triplet within the given array. In the above example, the maximum triplet product would be 5*7*8 = 280.
Note that the numbers in the array may be positive, negative, or zero. Additionally, the array may contain duplicates.

I hope that explanation helps! If you find any difficulty in solving, feel free to comment with your doubts.
CPP Code
class Solution { public: long long maxTripletProduct(long long arr[], int n) { sort(arr,arr+n); long long last=arr[n-1]*arr[n-2]*arr[n-3]; long long first=arr[0]*arr[1]*arr[n-1]; return max(first,last); } };

Here's how the function works:

The function first sorts the array arr in non-decreasing order using the sort function from the algorithm library in C++. After sorting the array, the function considers two cases:
Case 1: The product of the three largest numbers in the array is the maximum triplet product. In this case, the function calculates the product of the last three elements of the sorted array, which are the three largest numbers.
Case 2: The product of the two smallest numbers (which may be negative) and the largest number in the array is the maximum triplet product. In this case, the function calculates the product of the first two elements and the last element of the sorted array, which are the two smallest numbers (which may be negative) and the largest number respectively.

Finally, the function returns the maximum value between last and first using the max function from the algorithm library in C++.

Learning Outcomes

Solving the maximum triplet product problem unfolds a wealth of learning outcomes across algorithmic efficiency, array manipulation, and mathematical optimization. Firstly, this problem sharpens algorithmic thinking by prompting developers to strategize the most efficient approach for identifying the maximum triplet product. The choice of sorting the array signifies the importance of leveraging existing algorithms to streamline computations, a foundational concept applicable across diverse problem-solving scenarios.

The problem deepens understanding in array manipulation techniques. Sorting the array serves not only as a precursor for efficient product computation but also showcases the significance of arranging data strategically to simplify complex computations. This experience instills an appreciation for the transformative power of sorting in enhancing algorithmic efficiency.

Moreover, the problem delves into mathematical reasoning, requiring developers to contemplate the relationships between array elements to maximize the product. The dichotomy between selecting the three largest elements or combining the two smallest with the largest fosters a mathematical optimization mindset. This aspect not only reinforces the integration of mathematical principles in algorithmic design but also underscores the importance of adaptability in choosing the most effective strategy based on problem constraints.

Furthermore, the problem encapsulates real-world scenarios where maximizing a product holds relevance. In financial analysis or resource allocation, the concept of optimizing returns echoes the essence of this problem. The parallel to practical applications reinforces the idea that algorithmic challenges often mirror decision-making scenarios in diverse fields.


In conclusion, the maximum triplet product problem holds significant educational value by fostering essential skills in algorithmic design, array manipulation, and mathematical optimization. The emphasis on sorting the array underscores the practical importance of leveraging existing algorithms for computational efficiency, imparting a foundational understanding applicable across diverse problem-solving domains. Additionally, the problem's exploration of mathematical reasoning and optimization instills critical thinking skills, showcasing the versatility of mathematical principles in algorithmic solutions.

This problem serves as a microcosm of real-world decision-making scenarios, where maximizing outcomes requires strategic thinking and adaptability. Overall, mastering this problem contributes to a well-rounded skill set, providing developers with valuable insights into algorithmic efficiency and the integration of mathematical reasoning in computational challenges. It bridges theoretical concepts with practical applications, empowering learners to approach complex problems with a versatile toolkit that extends beyond the immediate scope of the problem statement.

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